
Return to France

Discovery of the villages and streets bearing the names

by Jeanne Barret and Philibert Commerson, January and August 2021.

Here is this deep country Morvandelle and Charolais France, imprinted with the memories of these two heroes who roamed the gardens of the universe to discover these wonderful plants of which we now savor the importance: essential oils, spices, perfumes, medicinal chemistries. Let us never forget their participation in the awakening of the herbalism of the plants of the world and their applications.

After six months of returning from my world tour, here I am in this Autun region between Morvan and Charolais to illustrate a book by Claude Dutreix with plants. This botanist naturalist, regionalist historian moreover entomologist and doctor in ecology, writes a work on Jeanne Barret. He discovers my website and reads my trip around the world in the wake of Bougainville. He needs to illustrate his manuscripts with flowers. Here I am in his region, where he lives not far from the villages of Toulon-sur-Arroux where Philibert Commerson lived and of La Comelle where Jeanne Barret was born.

The many books including those by Henriette Dussourd and Bernard Morot-Gaudry will provide you with information on the hectic lives of these two characters, as well as the historical and sociological works of Claude Dutreix illustrated by Simone Sempéré. Also the historical articles of Nicolle Maguet and Sophie Miquel. The country offers many activities called "Cycle Jeanne Barret". In August 21, I created two signs bearing the name: "Passerelle Jeanne Barret" for the Cussy river, from the village of La Petite Verrière where Claude Dutreix is ​​domiciled. Elm panels, engraved and painted with wildflowers.

Friday, 13 August 2021